The historical failure of the policy for agri-food self-sufficiency in Mexico and its perspective towards the next decade (2030)

  • Rafael Díaz Castellanos Universidad Anáhuac


Historically, grain production in Mexico has been insufficient to meet its domestic demand. This research, mixed sequential, aims to analyze the deficit of national grain production, dependence on its import (of the last 40 years) and forecast its scope in the next decade. It is shown that from 1980 to 2021 the area dedicated to the production of Rice, Oats, Barley, Beans, Corn, Soybeans, Sorghum and Wheat was reduced 7%, its production increased 72% and the accumulated productivity (tons / hectare) of the 8 products increased 47%; In contrast, imports increased 210% (in 1980 they represented 36% of national production, by 2020 it was 66%). With Minitab software, predictive models of time series of the variables under study were applied to forecast their performance for the year 2030, resulting (compared to 1980) in the reduction of 12% of the total area for this activity in the national territory, in the increase of production of 96% and the total escalation of its imports will be up to 253%.